Open Access Article
Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2022; 1: (4) ; 29-32 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20220058.
Environmental protection engineering in the development of enterprise green strategy discussion
戈戎 *
安徽全柴动力股份有限公司 安徽全椒
戈戎,单位:安徽全柴动力股份有限公司 安徽全椒;
发布时间: 2022-12-29 总浏览量: 429
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关键词: 环保工程;企业绿色发展战略;重要性;发展策略
At the present stage of the development process of enterprises, because of the close relationship with the economic market, so the actual development process needs to combine the development needs of the market. With the acceleration of the urbanization process, the relevant personnel have realized the importance of environmental protection, and various measures conducive to environmental protection begin to promote, so the enterprises will follow the green strategy in the process of development. In this context, relevant enterprises need to incorporate environmental protection projects into the green development strategy and take them as the development direction. This paper starts with the environmental protection project, and discusses its promotion in the green strategy.
Key words: environmental protection engineering; enterprise green development strategy; importance; development strategy
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