Open Access Article
Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2023; 2: (2) ; 12-15 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20230008.
Development and application of intelligent human geography environment information retrieval systemfor mobile platform
周雨珩 *
盐城师范学院 江苏苏州
周雨珩,单位:盐城师范学院 江苏苏州;
发布时间: 2023-06-28 总浏览量: 620
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关键词: 面向移动平台;智能人文;地理环境信息检索;系统开发;应用
According at people's demand for geographical environment information retrieval in the era of mobile Internet, this paper designs and realizes an intelligent human geographic environment information retrieval system for mobile platform. The system adopts the intelligent retrieval algorithm based on location service, which can quickly and accurately retrieve the relevant geographical environment information according to the user's current location and search keywords, and provide a variety of display methods and intelligent recommendation functions to meet the personalized needs of users. This paper introduces the design and implementation process of the system in detail, including system requirements analysis, architecture design, data acquisition and processing, intelligent retrieval algorithm design, user interface design and so on. At the same time, this paper also gives systematic application cases, including tourist attractions recommendation and navigation, cultural heritage protection and inheritance, urban planning and environmental management, etc. The system has high practical value and promotion and application prospects, and can provide people with more convenient, efficient and intelligent geographic environment information services.
Key words: Mobile platform oriented; Intelligent humanities; Geographic environment information retrieval; System development; Application
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