



Open Access Article

Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2023; 2: (3) ; 20-27 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20230012.

Study on the decoupling effect between agricultural carbon emissions and agricultural economic growth in Ya'an

作者: 何宗桂, 焦翠翠 *

四川轻化工大学经济学院 四川自贡

*通讯作者: 焦翠翠,单位:四川轻化工大学经济学院 四川自贡;

发布时间: 2023-09-09 总浏览量: 980


目的 为促进雅安市农业绿色发展,探究农业碳排放与农业经济发展之间的脱钩效应,为雅安市未来农业的绿色发展以及农业经济的良性增长提供理论与数据参考。方法 采用排放系数法,基于农地利用中6类碳源,测算雅安市2009年-2020年碳排放量、强度和结构,而后运用Tapio脱钩模型计算雅安市农业碳排放的脱钩系数,探讨农业碳排放和农业经济增长之间脱钩效应。结果 (1)雅安市在研究时间区间内农业碳排放年际波动幅度较大,农业碳排放总量呈先下降后波动上升再持续下降的反“N”型变化趋势,化肥的使用是农业碳排放的主要来源。(2)雅安市农业碳排放与经济发展呈现弱脱钩与强脱钩2种脱钩现象。结论 2014年后,主要以强脱钩为主,由此可以说明雅安市采取的农业低碳发展策略取得了一定成效。今后,雅安市需要继续保持从多方面推进农业低碳发展。

关键词: 农业碳排放;农业经济发展;脱钩效应;Tapio模型


Objective To promote the green development of agriculture in Ya 'an City, explore the decoupling effect between agricultural carbon emission and agricultural economic development, and provide theoretical and data reference for the future green development of agriculture and the benign growth of agricultural economy in Ya 'an City.
Methods The emission coefficient method was used to calculate the carbon emission, intensity and structure of Ya 'an City from 2009 to 2020 based on six types of carbon sources in agricultural land utilization. Then, the Tapio decoupling model was used to calculate the decoupling coefficient of agricultural carbon emission in Ya 'an City, and the decoupling effect between agricultural carbon emission and agricultural economic growth was discussed.
Results (1) The annual fluctuation of agricultural carbon emissions in Ya 'an City was large during the study period, and the total agricultural carbon emissions showed an inverse "N" trend of first decreasing, then fluctuating rising and then continuously decreasing. The use of chemical fertilizer was the main source of agricultural carbon emissions. (2) There are two decoupling phenomena between agricultural carbon emission and economic development in Ya 'an city: weak decoupling and strong decoupling.
Conclusion   After 2014, strong decoupling is the main problem, which shows that the low-carbon agricultural development strategy adopted by Ya 'an city has achieved certain results. In the future, Ya 'an City needs to continue to promote the low-carbon development of agriculture from various aspects.

Key words: Study on the decoupling effect between agricultural carbon emissions and agricultural economic growth in Ya'an

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何宗桂, 焦翠翠, 雅安市农业碳排放与农业经济增长的脱钩效应研究[J]. 资源与环境科学进展, 2023; 2: (3) : 20-27.