



Open Access Article

Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2023; 2: (3) ; 7-19 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20230013.

Reconstruction of climatic environment by quantitative index of architecture---based on the grain size and element index systems of sediments from Huangmaotan Lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River

作者: 周雅文, 贾玉连 *

闽南师范大学历史地理学院 福建漳州

*通讯作者: 贾玉连,单位:闽南师范大学历史地理学院 福建漳州;

发布时间: 2023-09-09 总浏览量: 986


重建过去气候环境,研究气候环境的变化特点、过程和规律,是全球变化研究的基础性工作之一。其基本思路,就是通过易受温度、降水及其他气候环境因素影响的物理、化学或生物指标,来定性、定量重建气候环境记录。但是,需要明确的是,这种记录直接反映的是气候环境状态及其变化,并可能因指标的敏感性差异而使重建结果具有畸变特征。为克服这种缺点,本文利用长江中游一小型吞吐湖泊黄茅潭湖泊柱状沉积,在高精度年代时标的控制下,基于17个粒度指标和17个元素(含量)指标,在各指标的异常变化及指标两两相互关系异常变化的基础上,建构了Ai-1、Ai-2两个系列的体系(粒度指标体系和元素指标体系)结构量化指标;尝试通过研究指标体系的结构性变化,来研究气候环境变化。研究认为,Ai(G)-1、Ai(G)-2和Ai(E)-1、Ai(E)-2均具有对降水等水文情势信息的敏感响应,但对温度变化无显著响应。由此,研究基于Ai(G)-2系列中的Ai(G)-1-2定量重建了流域C.E 1950-2010年间的年降水(mm/a);与30km外九江气象站同期实测降水3年滑动平均相关系数为0.58(n=51),通过了P<0.001的显著性水平检验,初步实现了基于碎屑沉积粒度信息对降水等水文情势信息的定量重建。研究使我们深刻认识到,可视可感的宏观气候环境因素---降水,可以通过粒度指标体系的结构性变化这种体现系统"复杂性"的指标来定量重建,这丰富了我们对于气候环境因素的认知,对全球变化研究具有重要的科学意义。

关键词: 长江中游;湖泊沉积;结构量化指标;异常指数;降水重建


It is one of the basic work of global change researches to reconstruct the past climate and environment and to study the characteristics, process and law of environment changes. The basic idea is to qualitatively and quantitatively reconstruct climatic and environmental records from physical, chemical or biological indicators that are susceptible to temperature, precipitation and other climatic and environmental factors. However, it should be made clear that such records directly reflect the state of the climatic-related environment and its changes, and usually the reconstruction results may have distorted due to the difference in sensitivity of the indicators. In order to overcome this shortcoming, this paper uses the columnar sediments of Huangmaotan Lake, a small swallow and spit lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and, under the control of high-precision time scale, based on 17 particle size indexes and 17 element (content) indexes and the abnormal changes of each index and the abnormal changes of their pair-pair relationship, The structural quantitative indexes of Ai-1 and Ai-2 series of systems (particle size index system and element index system) were constructed. This paper attempts to study the change of climatic environment by studying the structural change of index system. It is concluded that Ai (G) -1, Ai (G) -2, Ai (E) -1, Ai (E) -2 are sensitive to hydrological information such as precipitation, but have no significant response to temperature change. Therefore, based on Ai (G) -1-2 in the Ai (G) -2 series, the annual precipitation (mm/a) during C.E 1950-2010 was quantitatively reconstructed with which The correlation coefficient of the 3-year sliding average of the measured precipitation at Jiujiang meteorological station 30km away is 0.58 (n=51), which passes the significance level test of P<0.001. The study makes us deeply realize that the visible and perceptible macro-climate and environmental factor, precipitation, can be quantitatively reconstructed through the structural change of the grain size index system, which reflects the "complexity" of the system. This enriched our cognition of climatic and environmental factors and has important scientific significance for the study of global change.

Key words: The Middle Reaches of Yangtze River; Lacustrine deposits; Structural Quantitative Index of System; Anomaly Index; Precipitation reconstruction

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周雅文, 贾玉连, 体系结构量化指标对气候环境的重建研究----基于长江中游黄茅潭湖泊沉积粒度、元素指标体系[J]. 资源与环境科学进展, 2023; 2: (3) : 7-19.