Open Access Article
Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2023; 2: (3) ; 28-31 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20230015.
Discussion on the existing problems and countermeasures of environmental detection technology
黄祚胤 *
安徽省合肥生态环境监测中心 安徽合肥
黄祚胤,单位:安徽省合肥生态环境监测中心 安徽合肥;
发布时间: 2023-09-08 总浏览量: 744
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关键词: 环境检测技术;环境保护;污染
Under the background of the continuous development of social economy, people's living standards have been significantly improved. However, while developing the economy, it also causes environmental problems, and the pollution problems of these natural ecological environment will have a great impact on human life. In order to effectively solve the environmental pollution phenomenon, it is necessary to use the environmental detection technology reasonably, clarify the category and degree of environmental pollution, and formulate corresponding optimization measures for the pollution phenomenon. The application of environmental detection technology can effectively improve such problems and provide strong support for promoting the harmonious development of ecological environment. Based on this, this paper expounds the characteristics of environmental detection technology, analyzes the main problems of environmental detection technology, and puts forward the corresponding optimization measures.
Key words: Environmental detection technology; Environmental protection; Pollution
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