



Open Access Article

Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2025; 4: (1) ; 1-15 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20250001.

Ecological risk assessment of soil heavy metals based on different reference value and methods

作者: 杨如婷1, 江落雁1, 张池1, 钟嘉劲1, 蒋成爱1,2 *

1 华南农业大学资源环境学院 广州广东
2 广东省农业农村污染治理与环境安全重点实验室 广州广东

*通讯作者: 蒋成爱,单位: 华南农业大学资源环境学院 广州广东 广东省农业农村污染治理与环境安全重点实验室 广州广东;

发布时间: 2025-01-25 总浏览量: 211


快速发展的涉重金属企业不断排放的大量废弃物造成了严重的土壤重金属污染,威胁到农业生产、生物多样性以及人体健康。复杂多样的土壤生态系统生物受体对重金属污染的毒性效应响应也是各不相同,这使土壤生态风险评估的风险阈值的确定变得异常艰难,从而导致了土壤生态风险评估的实施难以有效进行。本论文使用不同参比值进行生态风险评估,探讨简易有效的生态风险评估方法。本文对国内外有关土壤重金属生态毒理的文献进行梳理,得到部分重金属的5%危害浓度(HC5)和对大麦的10%抑制效应浓度(EC10)等数据;并采集了广东地区20个涉重金属企业场地周边污染程度不同的土壤20个,分别用GB15618-2018中规定的水田和非水田条件下的风险筛选值、重金属的HC5和对大麦的EC10值作为参比阈值计算它们的风险商,并用背景值和风险筛选值作为参比值分别计算潜在生态风险指数。主要研究结果如下:梳理了一些重金属和类金属的生态毒理研究结果,并尝试用于土壤生态评价中。20个样本的不同参比值计算的4种风险商值和2种潜在生态风险值之间均呈现出极显著相关(P<0.01)。以重金属的HC5和对大麦的EC10值作为参比阈值计算它们的风险商和以背景值和风险筛选值作为参比值计算潜在风险指数得到20个样品中极高风险的占比分别为40%、35%、75%和45%;在污染比较普遍的情况下,使用背景值做参比计算的潜在生态风险指数值偏高,大大增加了重金属污染生态风险管控的范围和成本。在污染物的HC5难以获得的情况下,用大麦EC10作为参比值计算风险商乘4倍所得值土壤重金属污染风险商,单个元素的土壤风险商按<1、1-2、2-4和>4分别定义为轻微风险、中等风险、强风险、极强风险级别,可以进行相对更精细化的生态风险评估。(图3 表5 参59)

关键词: 土壤生态毒理;重金属;风险阈值;风险评估;大麦种子发芽率EC10


The wastes discharge from rapidly developing heavy metal-related enterprises resulted in serious soil heavy metal pollution, threatening agricultural production, biodiversity and human health. The response of complex and diverse soil ecosystem to the toxic effects of heavy metal pollution varied variously, which makes it extremely difficult to determine the risk threshold for soil ecological risk assessment, leading to difficulties in effectively implementing soil ecological risk assessment. This paper explored simple and effective methods for ecological risk assessment based on the different reference values. This paper reviewed domestic and foreign literature on soil heavy metal ecotoxicology, 5% hazardous concentration (HC5) and 10% inhibitory effect concentration (EC10) of heavy metals on barley were collected;and 20 soils with different pollution levels around 20 heavy metal-related enterprises in Guangdong were collected. The risk quotient of 20 sampled soils were calculated based on the different risk thresholds respectively including risk screening value of paddy field and non-paddy field in GB15618-2018, HC5 and EC10 values of barley above. At the same time, the potential ecological risk index of 20 sampled soils were calculated with background value and risk screening value in GB15618-2018 respectively. The main results are as follows: The soil ecotoxicological results of some heavy metals and As were reviewed and explored in soil ecological evaluation. The four risk quotients and the two potential ecological risk values of 20 samples showed significant correlation. Using HC5 of heavy metals and EC10 of barley as reference thresholds to calculate their risk quotient and background value and risk screening value as reference ratios to calculate potential risk index, the proportion of extremely high risk in 20 samples was 40%, 35%, 75% and 45%, respectively. In the case of widespread pollution, the potential ecological risk index value calculated by using background value as a reference is high, which greatly increases the scope and cost of ecological risk control of heavy metal pollution. In the case that HC5 of pollutants is difficult to obtain, the soil risk quotient is calculated by using barley EC10 as the reference ratio and multiplied by 4 times. The soil risk quotient of single element is defined as slight risk, medium risk, strong risk and extremely strong risk according to <1, 1-2, 2-4 and >4 respectively, which can be used for relatively more refined ecological risk assessment. This study shows that barley EC10 can be used as a risk threshold for preliminary soil ecological risk assessment and the basis to screen soil priority control pollutants for heavy metal-related enterprises.

Key words: Soil ecotoxicology; Heavy metals; Risk threshold; Ecological risk assessment

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