Open Access Article
Advances in Resources and Environmental Science. 2022; 1: (2) ; 1-3 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aes.20220015.
Research on the Regulatory Framework of China-US Low-Carbon Technology Cooperation
张雪梅 *
武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院 湖北武汉
张雪梅,单位:武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院 湖北武汉;
发布时间: 2022-08-31 总浏览量: 418
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关键词: 碳中和;中美气候合作;低碳技术;法规框架;合作备忘录
Low-carbon technology cooperation is an important area for future climate cooperation between China and the United States. The establishment of there gulatory framework of China-US low-carbon technology cooperation has a solid legal foundation. The key issues include how to determine "low-carbon technology cooperation", how to balance the interests of multiple participants, and how to ensure the effective implementation of technology cooperation. However, the technology cooperation will be constrained by the lack of willingness to form legal cooperation, the lack of legislative reference pattern, and handicapped by intellectual property issue. In the future, China and the United States can adopt the pattern of cooperation memorandum, and adhere to the idea of typed technical cooperation, diversified participants, and multi-level cooperation.
Key words: Carbon neutrality; China-US climate cooperation; Low carbon technology; Regulatory frame- work; Cooperation memorandum
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